Should Christians Judge?
“Christian's shouldn't judge.” This is a phrase I hear often, sometimes from other Christians. This idea comes from the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew.
Should Christians Judge?
“Christian's shouldn't judge.” This is a phrase I hear often, sometimes from other Christians. This idea comes from the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew.
Bible Contradiction: Does God Tempt Us?
The Bible appears to contradict itself on whether God tempts people. James 1:13 tells us that God tempts no one. However, some translations, like the KJV, translate Genesis 22:1 as saying God "tempted" Abraham.
Bible Contradiction: Does God Punish Children For Parents' Sins?
The Bible appears to contradict itself on whether God punishes children for their parents' sins. Exodus 20:5 tells us that God will visit the iniquity of the fathers to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Him. However, Ezekiel 18:20 writes that a son shall not suffer for his father's iniquity.
Bible Contradiction: Human Sacrifice In the Bible?
The Bible appears to contradict itself on whether God approves of human sacrifice. Leviticus 20 gives the death penalty for child sacrifice. However, Judges 11 seems to tell of a story of God "approving" child sacrifice.
Bible Contradiction: Has Anyone Seen God?
The Bible appears to contradict itself on whether a human has ever seen God. In Genesis Jacob says that he saw God "face to face". However, the Gospel of John says that "no one has seen God".
Bible Contradiction: Will the Earth Last Forever?
Ecclesiastes 1:4 seems to say that the earth will last forever. However, in 2 Peter 3:10, we read that the earth we know will be destroyed.